You are here: Restaurant & Table Map > Restaurant Settings > Global Options > Setup Print Beverages immediately

Table Map Kitchen Dockets - Setup Print Beverages immediately

When an order that contains Beverage Items and other items is saved to a Table on the Table Map and the "Print Beverages immediately" option is enabled, Idealpos will immediately print all the Beverage Items to the Kitchen Printers.

Any other non-beverage Stock Items will be held from printing until the number of minutes configured in the "Batch Orders to Kitchen after # minutes" has lapsed without additional orders being placed to the table during the number of minutes period.

If additional orders are placed during the number of minutes window period, then the number of minutes timer will restart for the table.

Once there have been no additional orders placed to the table within the number of minutes window period, all the unprinted Kitchen Items that have been saved to the table will be printed to the Kitchen Docket Printer(s).


The "Print Beverages immediately" function can be enabled in venues where customers want their drinks prioritised and served before their meals.


Before configuring this functionality, ensure that your system is configured for the Restaurant/Table Map function. In order to use the Restaurant/Table Map function, you will need to ensure that the following conditions have been met:



To configure and use the Print Beverages immediately function, go to: Back Office > Setup > Global Options > Restaurant.

Enable "Print Beverages immediately" within the Table Map Kitchen Dockets section as shown below.

Also ensure that you have selected the "Batch Orders to Kitchen after # minutes".

If "Batch Orders to Kitchen after # minutes" is not selected, it won't be possible to enable the "Print Beverages immediately" option.



Close the Global Options window to save your change.


In order for this function to correctly identify which items are a Beverage Item, the Stock Item's Department must be linked to a Sales Category called BEVERAGE.


Go to: Back Office > File > Sales > Sales Categories.

Ensure that you have a Sales Category called BEVERAGE.



If a BEVERAGE Sales Category does not exist, it can be created by pressing the "Add" button on the top-left corner of the Sales Categories window, entering "BEVERAGE" into the Description then pressing "Save".



Ensure that the Departments used by your Beverage Items are also linked to the BEVERAGE Sales Category.

Go to: Back Office > File > Sales > Departments.

If your system already had a BEVERAGE Sales Category, you may sort by the Sales Category column by pressing the Sales Category column header.

All Departments that are linked to the BEVERAGE Sales Category will be grouped together, similar to the below example:



To link a Department to the BEVERAGE Sales Category, select it from the list and press the "Modify" button located on the top-left corner of the window.



From the Sales Category dropdown box, select BEVERAGE, then press the "Save" button on the top-left corner of the window.



You may repeat this process for all Departments that are required to be linked to the BEVERAGE Sales Category.


The final step to setting up this function is to ensure that your Beverage Stock Items are linked to a Department which has been associated with the BEVERAGE Sales Category.

Go to: Back Office > File > Stock Control > Stock Items.

Search for Beverage Stock Items.

They should be linked to a Department which is associated with the BEVERAGE Sales Category.



If a Stock Item needs to have the Department modified, select the Stock Item from the list and press the "Modify" button on the top-left hand corner of the window.



Select the required Department from the list, then press the "Save" button on the top-left corner of the window.